"they neither toil nor spin......"
.....yet Solomon in all his splendor was not dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field....how much more will he clothe you....therefore do not worry about tomorrow....", admonished the Creator of heaven & earth, as recorded by Luke, a disciple of Christ.
Truly, we do not have any reason to fret over our daily existance. God promises not only to provide for our needs but also to be with us in all our battles.
".....surely I am with you, even to the end of the age" says the Lord.
These promises should anchor our hearts and keep us grounded through all our shipwrecks. Do not worry. Fear not. They sound as easy as punching these words on the keyboard. I stumbled over these much more than anything else. They robbed me of the joy I was meant to have in Christ. It seems strange what sounded so simple can turn out to be the point of our fiercest battles. It is easier to take up our weapons and charge into the battlefield than to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Yes, that was what I thought fighting the good fight of faith meant. This new revelation of laboring to enter the rest proves to be a greater challenge.
Labor to enter the rest.
It's an oxymoron.
Yes, I know it is a path every serious Christian will be lead to eventually. Is it not through the refining fire that our faith comes out pure and true? But knowing that doesn't make the journey any easier. I am not bitter or angry. Doubts, maybe. I'm skeptical of people who never have doubts.
But mostly, I am just tired.
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