The Ragamuffin Kid

occasional rumblings of the bedraggled, beat-up and burnt-out

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I am a traveller on my way Home, passing through this little land. It's a lovely place, though nothing compared to where I'm heading, I was told. I have journeyed through several valleys. Not the kindest place I must say. But hey, I've had some "mountain top" experiences too. They made me long for Home. I heard there are no valleys at Home. I have met some fellow travellers along the way. But mostly find myself among locals. If you're local, please bear with my quirkiness. I know my accent and ways are puzzling sometimes. If you're a fellow traveller, keep going. We should be reaching soon. Bon voyage!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Prayer Review

What do you pray when you or your loved ones are facing a challenge? I know I'd most certainly pray for strength, courage, wisdom and perseverance. That is well and good. But more often than not, I'd also pray for some sort of deliverance or even instant relief. I'd ask God to make the path smooth and remove every obstacle so that the journey would be easier and safer. It's natural for us to ask that, I believe. We want God to cushion our journey. Most of us would not want to have to go through the pain if we can have our way.

2 months ago, I read a prayer by Rlp. It woke me up to see the things that I prayed for from a higher perspective . So, I have been rethinking some prayers I've made lately. It'll probably include something like this (modelled after Rlp's Moldova prayer).

I do not pray that we be untouched by misery, for you have not called us into a life of quiet bliss and easy voyage. Instead you have called us to see our journeys with your eyes and be broken on the jagged altar of human weakness . So I take a deep breath, wanting to be right on this, and I pray that our hearts be broken indeed, but that you keep our spirits whole. Yes, break our hearts, but let the breaking lead to a realization of our neediness and our dependance on you. Not only that but also let it lead to a new vision, a higher purpose, a quiet humility and an unshakable trust in you. When this phase of our journey is over, bring us home, freshly wounded and newly strengthened. We will remember our journeys. And then we shall see what you can do with a couple of people whose heart will beat for those who are broken among us.


Rlp's inspiring prayer for Moldova can be found here.


Blogger Jennifer said...

Hi there,
I stumbled onto your blog. I love the adaptation of the prayer you put in this post... Amen! Do you mind if I put that on my blog?

12:39 AM  
Blogger rk said...

Hi Jennifer,
I am glad it has touched you in some ways. You may certainly put it on your blog.

9:17 AM  

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