The Ragamuffin Kid

occasional rumblings of the bedraggled, beat-up and burnt-out

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I am a traveller on my way Home, passing through this little land. It's a lovely place, though nothing compared to where I'm heading, I was told. I have journeyed through several valleys. Not the kindest place I must say. But hey, I've had some "mountain top" experiences too. They made me long for Home. I heard there are no valleys at Home. I have met some fellow travellers along the way. But mostly find myself among locals. If you're local, please bear with my quirkiness. I know my accent and ways are puzzling sometimes. If you're a fellow traveller, keep going. We should be reaching soon. Bon voyage!

Friday, May 05, 2006

After A Long Break

I realize I have not updated my blog for over a month, the longest I've been away since it's inception 2 years ago. I must admit blogging have not been at the top of my priorities lately. Too many things were happening at the same time over the past month. I did not have the time, opportunity nor energy to write about them. But I certainly hope to do so as and when I feel led to. Otherwise, I'll just go with what is current. Thanks for sticking around.



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